حصول تدريسيان في قسم هندسة الطاقة على كتاب شكر من السيد رئيس الجامعة


        حصل التدريسيان المدرس علي محسن رشم، والمدرس حسين خلف جبير على كتاب شكر من السيد رئيس الجامعة وذلك لنشر بحثهما الموسوم (The influence frictional facing thickness on the contact pressure distributed of multi disc dry clutches ) في مجلة عالمية FME

هدف البحث هو دراسة مسالة الحرارة المتولدة في ناقلات الحركة في المكائن حيث خلصت هذه الدراسة الى ان الضغط يزداد بصورة متسارعة بين المسننات عندما تقل سماكة الاجزاء المتواجهة.

The Influence of Frictional Facing Thickness on the Contact Pressure Distribution of Multi-Disc Dry Clutches

Frictional heat is generated when the clutch starts to engag. As a result of this operation the surface temperature is increased rapidly due to the difference in speed between the driving and driven parts. The influence of the thickness of frictional facing on the distribution of the contact pressure of the multi-disc clutches has been investigated using a numerical approach (the finite element method). The analysis of contact problem has been carried out for a multiple disc dry clutch (piston, clutch discs, separators and pressure plate). The results present the distribution of the contact pressure on all tShe surfaces of friction discs that existed in the friction clutch system. Axisymmetric finite element models have been developed to accomplish the contact analysis in this work. Thickness of the frictional facing of a clutch disc is a significant parameter that affects the elastic and thermal behaviors of a dry friction clutch. The results proved that the magnitudes of the contact pressure are increased dramatically when the thickness of the friction facing decreases.

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