التدريسي في قسم الهندسة المدنية الاستاذ سعد عيسى سرسم يشارك في المؤتمر العالمي للرصف الاسفلتي وتقنية المطارات ويلقي بحثا بعنوان (مراقبة الانفعال في الخرسانة الاسفلتية تحت تاثير قوى الشد والقص المتكرر عبر دورات التآم الشقوق) في مؤتمر عالمي عقد في الولايات المتحدة الاميركية – فيلادلفيا- بنسلفانيا للمدة27-30 آب 2017 برعاية الجمعية الاميركية للمهندسين المدنيين ASCE-T7d 2017)).
Monitoring the Deformation of Asphalt Concrete Under Repeated Tensile and Shear Stresses through Micro Cracks Healing Cycles
S. I. Sarsam1* and H. K. Husain2
Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq
*Email: [email protected]
Micro cracks healing property of asphalt concrete is considered as start for understanding its elastic behaviour. However, the impact of repeated micro crack healing cycles on deformation has not been investigated thoroughly. An attempt has been taken in this work to investigate the crack healing cycle’s phenomena on specimens of 100 mm diameter and 63 mm height, prepared using Marshall Method. Specimens were divided into two sets. The first set was subjected to repeated indirect tensile stresses, while the second set was subjected to the repeated double punch shear stresses (both at 25 °C) to initiate micro cracks within the specimens using controlled stress mode of loading. After controlled number of stress application, Specimens were subjected to external heating in an oven at 60° C and allowed to heal for two hours, conditioned, then subjected to another two courses of repeated stresses and healing. The permanent deformation of the specimens was monitored through continuous video capture in the pneumatic repeated load system (PRLS). The impact of asphalt content, type of test, and healing cycles on the permanent deformation have been analysed.