شاركت الدكتورة انوار قاسم عبدالمحمد الخطيب ببحث في الموتمر العالمي

12th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics, and Mobile Communication Conference, IEEE IEMCON 2021, Vancouver, Canada, 27-30 October 2021

ويهتم هذا الموتمر بتكنولوجيا المعلومات والهندسة الالكترونية والاتصالات وقد شارك في الموتمر اساتذة وطلاب دراسات عليا من مختلف دولالعالم لمدة اربعة ايام من ٢٧-٣٠ تشرين الاول ٢٠٢١

وكان البحث المشارك من قبل الدكتورة انوار قاسم  حول استخدام تقنية RFID في المطارات وتحديد المواقع. وسوف ينشر البحث ضمنمستوعبات عالمية IEEE Xplore® digital library (Scopus, Science Direct, and Google Scholar).


In this paper we address the problem tracking in an end user-accessible, secure and efficient fashion the information about the location of objects, for example luggage items transported by airlines, over a geographically distributed area, using Radio-Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology. We propose the use of both a centralized, commercial software approach based on the Electronic Product Code-based (EPC) standard, and of a distributed, open approach based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) standard. We provide an initial comparison between the two approaches in terms of architecture, openness versus commercial support, network load and overall performance.

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